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Your Bint Jbeil Benevolent Association

Bint Jbeil Benevolent Association commences its honorable and righteous charitable duties. 

It is humanity, my brothers and sisters. It is you, individually and collectively. The tides of migration and the successive waves of emigration separated us. However, our roots unite us, and Bint Jbeil beckons from beyond the seas and almost summons us by our individual names. It recites to us the morning and evening verses of love and compassion. It sings to us the most beautiful expressive hims conveying both its discontent and longing to us and to the second and third generations of her grandchildren.  

Humanity is not limited to warm longings and intimate feelings. Rather, it is a way of life. It is an individual interaction which leads to a collective collaboration to remove impediments, to avoid a coming catastrophe, and alleviate concerns, which at times can crush the soul, destroy morals, and extinguish dignity. We intervene to prevent the catastrophic slide into this abyss by lifting our brethren, giving them hope and help to maintain their God given humanity.

Yes, brothers and sisters, humanity is sacred in Islam. Islam defines human values ​​as a set of principles concerned with respecting the human person, his freedoms, his rights, his honor, his mind, and his offspring. Man is seen as an integral part of society. Henceforth, Islam came with a set of standards; to raise the value of man and his affairs including knowledge, work, freedom, consultation, and brotherhood.

The Bint Jbeil Benevolent Association sets out to achieve and consolidate such noble values and principles. likewise, knowledge and work in a prevailing atmosphere of liberties along with the instruments of knowledge and experience will be the cornerstone of our association. Furthermore, the people of generosity, along with the wise elders, and our youth, within the expatriate community from Bint Jbeil will unite in a fraternal and human endeavor to achieve these heavenly goals. 

Humanity unites us, and Islam liberates us from ignorance. Hence, let us commence our missions in order to achieve set lofty goals, God willing!

Mohamed Talal Bazzi


Our vision is a world in which every child and family attains the right to survival, protection, develpment and participation


Our mission is a world in which every child and family attains the right to survival, protection, develpment and participation


Our goal is a world in which every child and family attains the right to survival, protection, develpment and participation

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